import {bootstrap, Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';
angular.module('app', ['Dependency'])
selector: 'todo-app’
class TodoApp {}
Directive with template + Controller
@Component({ ... })
template: `<h1>{{title}}</h1>` // or:
//templateUrl: 'todos.html'
class TodoApp { ... }
Directive Template/TemplateUrl
@Component({ selector: 'todo-app’ })
@View({ template: `<h1>{{title}}</h1>` })
class TodoApp {}
angular.module('app', ['Dependency'])
<body ng-app="todo-app">
@Component({ selector: 'todo-app’ })
class TodoApp {
// initial values
constructor() {
this.todos = ['First thing', 'Second thing', 'Third thing'];
export class TodoStorage {
// initial values
constructor () {
this.STORAGE_ID = 'todos-angular2';
// methods
get() {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.STORAGE_ID) || '[]');
put(todos) {
localStorage.setItem(this.STORAGE_ID, JSON.stringify(todos));
Singletons: Controller, Service, Factory, Directive
<input #new-todo (keydown)>
<input #new-todo (keydown)=“addTodo($event, newTodo.value)”>
ng-keydown=($event, newTodo)
<li [style.background-color]=“newTodo.value”>
import {bootstrap, Component, View, For} from 'angular2/angular2';
templateUrl: 'todos.html’,
directives: [For]
class TodoApp{
constructor() {
this.todos = [‘first thing’, ‘second thing’, ‘third thing’];
<ul *for=“#todo of todos”>
ng-repeat="todo in vm.todos"
<ul *for=“#todo of todos; var i = index;”>
<p>{{i}}. {{todo}}</p>
ng-repeat="todo in vm.todos track by $index">
import {bootstrap, Component, View, For, If} from 'angular2/angular2';
templateUrl: 'todos.html’,
directives: [For, If]
Class TodoApp{}
import {Control, FormDirectives, ControlDirective} from 'angular2/forms';
@Component({ ... })
@View({ ...
directives: [For, If, FormDirectives]
class TodoApp {
constructor( ...) {
this.newTodo = new Control('');
import {CustomValidators} from 'validators';
injectables: [TodoStorage, CustomValidators]
class TodoApp{
constructor(storage: TodoStorage, custom: CustomValidators) {
this.newTodo = new Control('', custom.badLanguage);
export class CustomValidators{
// c: Control
badLanguage(c) {
// 18dogbaby = bad language in Korean
if(c.value.match(/18dogbaby/)) {
return {
badLanguage: true
// return null = valid
return null;
<form id="todo-form" [class.invalid]="!newTodo.valid">
Valid, Pristine, Dirty
self rating: ★★★☆☆
data & @name
@pkozlowski_os | Plunkers were based on these.
Built in Angular!
@marcolago | Fantastic HTML Presentation Framework
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